- Sample motion for reconsideration full#
- Sample motion for reconsideration code#
Duterte's bloody war on drugs slammed as 'social c. Trump asserts 'complete power to pardon' can he p.
Rappler's panel of analysts on 2017 SONA by Presid. The Philippines needs to speed up its infrastructu. Justice Antonin Scalia - "Antonin Scalia, US Supre. Sample motion for reconsideration full#
Martial law complete full texts of the Supreme Co.
MEL STA.MARIA | The 4th Estate, the Press: Last de. Duterte's SONA, a law dean's commentaries. Autocrats equate "National Interest" with their "p. The embarrassing SONA scene sadly affirmed my view. Autocrats, like Duterte, have mastered the arts of. Nene Pimentel's advice to Duterte re: China. West Philippine Sea: Unconstitutional and much-abu. The dark days of the Marcosian Martial Law Regime. Can a sitting president pardon himself before, dur. Gary Alejano's commentaries on Duterte's SONA Duterte equates “democracy” with “majority rule”. The true spirit of punishment after a conviction i. Duterte's anti-American hatred amounts to a psycho. Federalism: His true intent and hidden agenda are. Professionals from humanitarian and investigative. Human Rights Consequences of the “War on Drugs” in. The Lonely Crusade of China’s Human Rights Lawyers. Chief Justice Roberts: Confirmation process for ju. Liberals often blame mass incarceration on the war. Allan Lichtman: Why President Trump will be impeac. Independence of the judiciary in Poland at risk?. Duterte promises escalating war on drugs despite i. UN rights expert voices concern over worsening sit. Massachusetts Supreme Court rules immigrants canno. EU lawmakers visiting the Philippines spoke of the. Dutertenomics: Does Stimulus Spending Work?. What do the Constitution and the existing laws say. 7438 - Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained o. To be stressed anew is the fact that petitioners were ordinary factory workers who could not and should not be expected to know the legal import or significance of some such phrase as "under protest" or "with reservations." Further, it was held that the fact that petitioners in this case failed to indicate in their resignation letters the phrase "under protest" or "with reservations" is of no moment.
Sample motion for reconsideration code#
280 of the Labor Code construes security of tenure as meaning that "the employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a just cause or when authorized by" the Code. Therefore, he should be protected against any arbitrary deprivation of his job. It was held that when a person has no property, his job may possibly be his only possession or means of livelihood. Considering that petitioners are ordinary sewers of respondent company, the fear of losing their jobs cannot but be a serious, legitimate concern. Obviously, petitioners were not given any other choice by management, but to agree to their transfer to Gerrico Resources, lest they lose their only means of livelihood. For to us, it is inconceivable that a worker who has already attained a regular status in his employment would opt to be transferred to another employment agency, there to start work anew – work that would relegate him to a mere casual laborer or employee. The Supreme Court held that it was inclined to agree with the petitioners that they were coerced, threatened or intimidated into signing blank sheets of paper which materialized into resignation letters, the contents of which were dictated by the Director and Personnel Manager of the respondent company. In this case, the issue was the "voluntariness" of the resignation letters. – This case is inapplicable to the movant. The Honorable Court of Appeals, et al, GR 162472, 28 July 2005.